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Grantees 2021-2022

2021-2022 EMF Grantees

Congratulations to the 2021-2022 EMF Grant Recipients! These investigators are the future of emergency medicine research.  EMF extends special thanks to all its grant partners and contributors for making these grant awards possible.

Ethan Abbott, DO
EMF Health Disparities Grant

Dr. Abbott was awarded the EMF Health Disparities Grant for $50,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “Disparities in Long-term Survival and Emergency Department Readmissions Among Medicare Beneficiaries After Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA): The Role of Racial Residential Segregation” at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Grace Amadio, BS
EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant

Ms. Amadio was awarded the EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant for $5,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “Exploration of U-Scale Use in Patients with Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome” at Thomas Jefferson University.

Evan Bradley, MD, PHD
Early Career Development Grant

Dr. Bradley was awarded the Early Career Development Grant for $149,106 over two years. He will work on his project titled, “Defining the Urinary Microbiome in Older Adults with Suspected Urinary Tract Infection and Asymptomatic Bacteriuria” at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.

Jane Brice, MD, MPH
EMF/410 Medical LifeFlow Resuscitation Research Grant

Dr. Brice was awarded the EMF/410 Medical LifeFlow Resuscitation Research Grant for $239,789 over 18-months. She will work on her project titled, “Early Fluid Resuscitation by Emergency Medical Services in Patients with Sepsis: A Comparative Effectiveness and Implementation Study of the LifeFlow Device.”

Maureen Canellas, MD, MBA
EMF/EMPI Health Policy Scholar Grant Award

Dr. Canellas was awarded the EMF/EMPI Health Policy Scholar Grant Award for $99,089 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “Measurement of cost of boarding patients in the emergency department using time-driven activity-based costing” at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine.

Kavya Davuluri
EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Research Grant

Ms. Davuluri was awarded the EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant for $5,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “Optimizing the UME to GME Liminal Space: Identification of the Need for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Competencies as Core Entrustable Professional Activities” at the University of Michigan.

Amy DeLaroche, MBBS
EMF/EMBRS Research Grant

Dr. DeLaroche was awarded the EMF/EMBRS Research Grant for $10,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “Improving Asthma Referrals Following Emergency Department Evaluation” at the Children's Hospital of Michigan and Central Michigan University.

James Ford, MD
EMF/EMRA Resident Grant

Dr. Ford was awarded the EMF/EMRA Resident Grant for $10,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “Use of Point-of-Care Hepatitis B Virus Testing and Ultrasound to Screen for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Tanzanian Emergency Department” at the University of Michigan.

Cameron Gettel, MD
Pilot Research Grant

Dr. Gettel was awarded the Pilot Research Grant for $50,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “Development and validation of the Patient-Reported Outcome Measure: Older Adult Care Transitions from the Emergency Department (PROM-OTED) Tool” at Yale University.

Mary Haas, MD, MHPE
EMF/CORD Emergency Medicine Education Starter Grant

Dr. Haas was awarded the EMF/CORD Emergency Medicine Education Starter Grant for $10,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “Geographic and Demographic Alignment of Emergency Medicine Residency Programs, Trainees, and the US population” at the University of Michigan.

Adrian Haimovich, MD, PHD
EMF/EMRA Resident Grant

Dr. Haimovich was awarded the EMF/EMRA Resident Grant for $10,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “Development of a machine learning prediction tool to optimize CT utilization for suspected pulmonary embolism in the ED” at Yale University.

Jeremy Hess, MD, MPH
EMF Climate Change Grant

Dr. Hess was awarded the EMF Climate Change Grant for $10,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “Emergency Department Utilization and Unplanned Hospitalizations Associated with Floods in the USA” at the University of Washington.

Mariah McNamara, MD, MPH and Roz King, MSN, RN, CNL
University of Vermont, Larner College of Medicine

Dr. McNamara (Pictured) and Ms. King was awarded EMF/ENAF Health Disparities Grant Award for $50,000 over one year. They will work on their project titled, “Community Outreach for Patient Engagement.”

Andrew Monick, BBA
EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant

Mr. Monick was awarded the EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant for $5,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “Framing and Constrained Time - Considering Heuristics in Emergency Clinical Knowledge (FACT-CHECK)” at Thomas Jefferson University.

Lise Nigrovic, MD, MPH
EMF/BioFire Diagnostics Research

Dr. Nigrovic was awarded the EMF/BioFire Diagnostics Research Grant for $25,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “Multiplex PCR assay for the diagnosis of tick-borne infections in children (NIGROVIC)” at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Agatha Offorjebe, MD
EMF/EMRA Resident Grant

Dr. Offorgebe was awarded the EMF/EMRA Resident Grant for $10,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “When health emergencies lead to poverty: assessing the relationship between catastrophic expenditures and health insurance status” at the University of Southern California.

Adriana Olson, MD
EMF/CORD Emergency Medicine Education Research Grant

Dr. Olson was awarded the EMF/CORD Emergency Medicine Education Research Grant for $25,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled “SIM SAFE: Using Simulation to Improve Patient Safety by Enhancing Situational Awareness for Emergency Medicine Physicians” at the University of Chicago.

Priya Patel, BS
EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant

Ms. Patel was awarded the EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Grant for $5,000 over one year. She will work on her project titled, “The Ideal Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacer Pad Study” at the University of Maryland.

Sarah Perman, MS, MSCE
Mid-Career Research Development

Dr. Perman was awarded the Mid-Career Research Development $250,000 over two years. She will work on her project titled, “Decision Support for Surrogate Decision Makers of Comatose Survivors of Cardiac Arrest: Exploring Decision Quality, Self-Efficacy and Generalizability in Preparation for Implementation” at the University of Colorado.

Gregory Peters, MD
EMF/EMRA Resident Grant

Dr. Peters was awarded the EMF/EMRA Resident Grant for $10,000 over one year. He will work on his project titled, “A Nationwide Assessment of Prehospital Care for Asthma Exacerbations in the United States” at Massachusetts General Hospital.