Grantees 2003-2004
EMF/FERNE Directed Research in Neurological Emergencies
Michael Ross, MD
William Beaumont Hospital Research Institute
The Emergency Department Transient Ischemic Attack Accelerated Diagnostic Protocol
EMF/Riggs Family Health Policy Research
Robert Lowe, MD, MPH
Oregon Health and Science University
Will Changes in the Oregon Health Plan Reduce Access to Primary Care and Increase ED Use?
Jeffrey Kline, MD
Carolinas Medical Center
Diagnostic Accuracy of a Database-derived Instrument for Pretest Probability Assessment of Acute Coronary Syndrome in ED Patients
Alan B. Storrow, MD
University of Cincinnati
Emergency Department Observation Versus Inpatient Admission for Therapy of Acute Congestive Heart Failure
Robert J. Zalenski, MD
Wayne State University
The Feasibility of Treating Severe Acute Congestive Heart Failure with Bolus Intravenous Nitroglycerin
Research Fellowship
Amy Kaji, MD, BA
Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute
Hospital Disaster Plans: Structure, Training, and Function
Jason Stoner, MD
Ohio State University
NADH During Low Flow Reperfusion After Global Ischemia in Intact Rat Heart
Career Development
Lawrence Lewis, MD
Washington University
Does Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Cause Long-Term Cognitive Impairment?
Kenneth John McConnell, PhD
Oregon Health & Science University
A Quantitative Model to Determine the Cause of and Solutions for Hospital Overcapacity
Resident Research
Dustin W. Ballard, MD
University of California-Davis
Patient Dumping from Emergency Departments: A Descriptive Study of FY 2000 EMTALA
Underwriter: Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
Christopher S. Lai, MD
University of Pittsburgh
The Effect of Coagulopathy on Cerebral Perfusion in the Post Resuscitation Phase of Cardiac Arrest
Underwriter: EMRA
David Matero, MD
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Microspheres for Use in Determining Accelerations in Head Impacts
Underwriter: Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
Seth Belote Roberts, MD, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Effect of Coupling on the Stability of Stochastic Oscillators
Underwriter: Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
Benjamin Sun, MD, MPP
Brigham and Women's Hospital
A Randomized, Patient Education Intervention to Improve Satisfaction with Emergency Care
Underwriter: Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals
EMF/SAEM Medical Student Research
Andrew Wong - William H. Spivey Recipient
University of Michigan
The Effect of Acetylcholine on Alveolar Macrophage Response to P. Aeruginosa
Tiencia DePass
University of North Carolina
What really Happens When Patients Leave the ED? Self-reported Discharge Instruction Adherence Among Different Racial Groups Seen in the Emergency Department
Rhonda Forest and Kyle Shaver
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Risk Stratification of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes
Jonathan Leake
Emory University
Screening Female Patients for Depression, PTSD, Suicidality, and Domestic Violence in the Emergency Department
Dana Telem
Thomas Jefferson University
The Evaluation of Arginase Activity during Acute Vasoocclusive Sickle Cell Crisis
EMBRS Research Grant
Michael S. Lyons, MD
University of Cincinnati
Early Diagnosis of HIV by an Emergency Department Based HIV Screening Program
Underwriter: Pfizer Inc.